Aug 19, 2010

Good day, sunshine!!

It's been a great day today, and I really don't know why.
Since the moment I woke up, it felt like a Saturday, but contrary of what you'd believe, I wasn't annoyed by the fact that it was Thursday.
I've been feeling happy and grateful about everything in my life, and today seemed like the peak of it.
I loved waking up and having yogurt for breakfast with my son.
I loved knowing that even though last week I ate like a pig with no mercy, I haven't gained any of the pounds I lost.
I loved baking chocolate chip cookies in the morning and the going to the grocery store to buy some stuff for the lunch I had later on with my friends at home.
I loved cooking that lunch and then I loved eating it.
In the afternoon my son took a two hour nap and I was surfing the net and working at the same time, and I REALLY loved the fact that my son is the best baby and I can work with him and take him everywhere and always be with him.
I love believing that I'm not a complicated person and that everything I do is perfect. I know I'm far from perfect. Way far from perfect. But you know what? I really don't give a crap! I think I'm  perfect and that's enough for me!

NOTE**I never mean that I believe I'm perfect with my physical being, rather than with my spiritual, intellectual and inner being. Which may sound even more pretentious, but at least it's the truth. I?m far from believing that I'm physically perfect**

Today at the grocery store, I saw my reflection in the window and I saw a mom carrying her son. It was the best moment of my life! (well, best moment of the day really) (I tend to get over excited when I write)
It's not that I'm some kind of moron that hadn't realized that she had a baby and only finds out a year later, but I saw myself with different eyes... It's hard to explain.
You know when some days it suddenly hits you that you're married? Or that you're working at your dream job? Or any other kind of thing? It happens to me sometimes with my husband. I think about the 13 years we've been together, and I say WOW! It's A LOT of time! And I realize how many things we've done and lived.
But it's the first time it happens with my son. I guess it's the first time I realize he's not another dog, but an actual human being that's here to stay and be my little sunshine for the rest of my life!

It's been a good day!

in my world, happiness feels something like this!

Aug 5, 2010

About fame, breastfeeding and stupid things

I decided to share my blog with a few more people (FB) and I must say that I had really nice responses!! I love writing and it feels good to know that someone out there actually thinks that what I write is not boring!
It was getting kind of sad knowing that for a while I was writing for my husband and me (LOL).
I mean, I could have just sent him an email instead of going for all the trouble of creating an account and having to log in, then adding pics, checking for spelling...
All my followers for a while

So if you're reading this, and you're not my husband, please follow me!! That way you will receive a notice when I write a new post!

I've been reading this week a lot of stuff about Gisele Bundchen saying that breastfeeding should be a law... And all the hatred responses that came with it! Quite impressive actually. First I thought wow, people are so passionate about  breastfeeding... Then I thought wow, women are so jealous of Gisele.
OK, I can see the real reason why you hate her!

Then I thought wow, I wish I could raise that many eyebrows by just saying something without the proper thought.
If someone is good at saying stupid, non thought things, that's me!!! I'm the kind of person that just says whatever comes to her mind, sometimes they come a bit too much, but sometimes they come out just right!

The thing about me, is that if you don't know me, you'll just think I'm some kind of crazy egomaniac trying to call all the attention. And while all of it is true, I'm not a bad person! I'm actually a very good friend (ha ha, that comes with the ego you know, you have to know what you're good at!), when you need me, the chances are you'll get my help, or support. Even money if you need it (tho I probably need it more than you LOL).
I know I'm obsessive-compulsive and very obnoxious at a certain point in the night, but that doesn't mean I don't love you!!

So going back to the Gisele thing... I've been reading blogs for a while, and I watch TV off course, and read the news, and watch the news... You know, keep myself informed! And no matter how long it's been, I'm still more and more impressed every time I see the reaction people have with celebrities.

I come from a country where the biggest celeb is probably the president. And even they get kicked out when they do something stupid. We don't really have celebrities around here... So if someone is on TV saying their opinion out loud, no one really cares, because probably no one really knows who that is, or what he does.

Any one can be on TV over here. I mean, I've been on TV a few times, and on magazines and the newspaper. It's not such a big deal. You can get a call any day of the week and there will be someone saying, hi Carolina, I'm friends with such and such and she gave me your number and I want to interview you because she told me you make really nice clothes... Or you have 3 dogs... Or you colored your hair green... Or you have two eyes... Anything really.
Me as Andy Warhol for a Warhol special
If they have space on those pages, they'll call you! Now, if I lived someplace else, like, say the U.S., that would be very different! I would have at least thousands of people trying to find out what my twitter account is and what my dogs names are so they can send them personalized gifts.

OK. Once again I'm exaggerating. But you get the point. Around here, nothing really happens!

I'd like to see what would happen if I were famous and said something really stupid. The kind of things I say any Friday night! That would be a nice what if to see sometime. Like those Nicolas Cage movies where he imagines what would be of  his life is he wasn't rich and had everything and instead had a crappy house and 2 random kids with his high school sweetheart.  (OK there was only ONE Nicolas Cage movie like this, but it seemed like 20)
Hilarious?? Come on... Depressing is more like it!
I don't appreciate fame so much, all though I know it can be very cool having people recognizing you anywhere and taking your pics and saying your name and knowing all about you and sending you gifts and following you everywhere and...
Why is that cool?
You don't even get to say stupid things anymore because people will stop judging you in silence and start judging you in public!

Let's face it... If you're some regular person saying stupid things, people think you're crazy. If you're a celebrity saying stupid things, people think you're stupid!

I rather be seen as a crazy person than a stupid one!

Aug 2, 2010

About being happy

I was reading yesterday a post about how to raise a happy child. It made me think about a lot of stuff.
I think one characteristic that jumps to people when they meet my son, is how happy he is. You can really tell he is a happy child, and needless to say, that makes me extremely happy and proud.
Me and my happy child!

I've always considered myself a happy person, no matter what people may think, I really do think I'm a very happy person! I may act as a madwoman sometimes and I do get angry when there's a reason to it (I'm normal, you know), but generally speaking, I'm happy most of the times.

That being said, even during pregnancy, I tried my best to stay cool and relaxed, so my unborn child would "enjoy the ride" and prepare himself for the outside world. I played him music everyday, I described everything to him and I sang. A lot! In the shower, in the car, at the office... I sang everyday. Personally, that makes me happy!

Now that "he's out", I try every moment to make him happy, and I try very hard to teach him how to appreciate the word that surround us and make the best out of every situation. I think that's the hardest part in life, making  the best of bad moments, and trying to see always the bright side of things.

Taking about happiness, I must say with a smile the resembles the Cheshire the cat (Alice in Wonderland), that I've lost 13 pounds in a month. I feel absolutely better, both physically and mentally!
I can't say that I'm thin, but I'm definitely not a bag of fat anymore! I went to the supermarket the other day with my son, and I swear to god that I felt like a supermodel walking down those aisles!! (lol)

OK. Maybe I'm exaggerating. But I do feel better. Not only do my clothes fit, but some of them are starting to look baggy, which is refreshing, after wearing every top in my closet like a tattoo on my skin! I can finally where a loose top, loose! I was wearing loose tops for a while that looked very tight on me!

Oh! And I did get a Mohawk after all. Well, a faux Mohawk. The second I told my stylist my choices, he said there was no question about it. I looooove changing my hair, I think it might be some kind of addiction!

my faux Mohawk

So now you know, if you see a 30 year old normal woman with a faux Mohawk and a happy child,  acting like she's a 20 year old supermodel,  well, that's me!!