Aug 2, 2010

About being happy

I was reading yesterday a post about how to raise a happy child. It made me think about a lot of stuff.
I think one characteristic that jumps to people when they meet my son, is how happy he is. You can really tell he is a happy child, and needless to say, that makes me extremely happy and proud.
Me and my happy child!

I've always considered myself a happy person, no matter what people may think, I really do think I'm a very happy person! I may act as a madwoman sometimes and I do get angry when there's a reason to it (I'm normal, you know), but generally speaking, I'm happy most of the times.

That being said, even during pregnancy, I tried my best to stay cool and relaxed, so my unborn child would "enjoy the ride" and prepare himself for the outside world. I played him music everyday, I described everything to him and I sang. A lot! In the shower, in the car, at the office... I sang everyday. Personally, that makes me happy!

Now that "he's out", I try every moment to make him happy, and I try very hard to teach him how to appreciate the word that surround us and make the best out of every situation. I think that's the hardest part in life, making  the best of bad moments, and trying to see always the bright side of things.

Taking about happiness, I must say with a smile the resembles the Cheshire the cat (Alice in Wonderland), that I've lost 13 pounds in a month. I feel absolutely better, both physically and mentally!
I can't say that I'm thin, but I'm definitely not a bag of fat anymore! I went to the supermarket the other day with my son, and I swear to god that I felt like a supermodel walking down those aisles!! (lol)

OK. Maybe I'm exaggerating. But I do feel better. Not only do my clothes fit, but some of them are starting to look baggy, which is refreshing, after wearing every top in my closet like a tattoo on my skin! I can finally where a loose top, loose! I was wearing loose tops for a while that looked very tight on me!

Oh! And I did get a Mohawk after all. Well, a faux Mohawk. The second I told my stylist my choices, he said there was no question about it. I looooove changing my hair, I think it might be some kind of addiction!

my faux Mohawk

So now you know, if you see a 30 year old normal woman with a faux Mohawk and a happy child,  acting like she's a 20 year old supermodel,  well, that's me!!

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