Then switched to spanish.
Then switched back to english.I decided it would be about food and cooking and the pleasure of eating.
Then I wanted to throw something about design in there too, but realized it didn't have a theme anymore, so I created another blog about design.
Then I wanted to talk about everything.
That's when I got really confused.Then had a brake and finally did it in spanish and talked about food. I decided that I should go with my first ideas, because those usually are the ones that work.
Well, I was wrong! We're back to english, and now I decided it will be about me really. Having so much to say and no one interested in every aspect of my everyday life, a blog sounded as the prefect victim for the crap falling off my head.
My husband is normally the victim, but I am aware that even though he listens and has always something to say about what I say, there are topics that aren't of his interest.
Like the invites I made for my niece's pajama party. They came out as the cuttest invites to EVER be on earth. And I was very proud of them! So I showed him, and he was excited and complimented me and my niece, but it's like he knows I'm able to do every sort of thing that crosses my mind, so sometimes I need someone to be wowed about what I do!
I guess you should know that my mother tongue is not english but spanish. So if you see some weird grammar or spelling, its not cause I'm weird but because it's not my first language ;)
I'm weird too, don't get me wrong (LOL), but that's a different story.I'm a fashion designer, but my newest passion is cooking (which would easily explain my extra pounds). I'm a new mom, my son is 8 months old, but I have an older son, which is my 3 year old dog. My family has grown in two years, from being my husband and me, to being my husband, me, Nemo (my dog), Lola (Nemo's daughter), my son, and Chiqui (chi-ki) (Nemo & Lola's daughter).
On my behalf I must say that I did my best keepig them apart so they didnt breed together, but I guess nature is stronger. So Chiqui was born on november and I found myself with a month and a half baby and a newborn puppy. It was difficult, but we did it.
Chiqui was supposed to go, but you can imagine the rest of the story, I was a new mom, sensitive, and it just broke my heart to let her go.
So she stayed.
And now I have family that's half humans and half dogs!
So besides being a new mom, fashion designer, dog lover, wife and cook, I like doing pretty much anything (except sports, which once again, explains my extra pounds).
This is me. I don't go out like this, they asked me to personify the red queen on a local magazine, so I colored my hair red and made me a pretty dress :)

I don't have much free time really, I'm a full time mom + a full time designer. I sell cookies and desserts and I want to do some easy catering to start some kind of bussiness that involves cooking.
So I'll try to post some good recipes but in between I'll may talk about pretty much anything!
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