Jun 16, 2011

Eccentric? Or just trying too hard?

I had lunch with my friends today, and we shared a lot of memories from high school and talked about school options for our own children.We talked about being a teen, about friends, about fitting in.

The timing couldn't be better to read what I just did. It's an article about creativity called "The unleashed mind: why creative people are eccentric".
I enjoyed it a lot.

I've always thought of myself as a person who's somewhat eccentric, but I must confess that describing oneself as anything, proves quite the opposite.

So I often limit the descriptions of myself to the physical part that are obvious to everyone (fat, pale, brown hair...). You'll never hear me saying "oh, I'm sooo smart" or "I'm so talented" (unless I've been drinking a few glasses of course, that changes the whole story. Then you'll hear me talking about anything else than me, me, ME, ME!).

But I do like to say every now and then that I think of myself as a creative person, because that's something true. I don't go around saying stuff like "you won't IMAGINE what I did with that necklace you gave me, I took all the beads out and sewed them in a tshirt,  because I never use an object for it's original purpose..."
No. I don't say things like that. I hate people who do that. It seems so lame to me.
I like working on the creative area of things, and I enjoy when I come up with a solution for a problem that's been bothering me. So yes, I do think I'm creative.
But eccentric? No. I wouldn't go that far.

I have my moments, but most of the time I'm trying to be different. I hate looking like someone else. Since high school I've been trying to be different than most and look different from ALL.

When does trying to be different end and genuinly thinking different begins? According to this article, if I believe in fairies, elfs, unicorns, ghosts and life beyond death I have a Schizotypal personality. 
So that makes you weird. 
I don't think so, but I have talked about this stuff to people that looked at me as if I was serial killer telling about their next victim!

True story... I once told this woman that used to be my client, about an elf that lived in my house and hid stuff. I told her how I left him pork meat and a shot of whiskey at night and he once drank it. When I finished my story, she was looking at me like I was a crazy person. Really. She had this huge eyes and her mouth was wide open, and she just said "oh my, you are hillarious". 
I wasn't kidding! I told her that, but she pretended to do something else and that was the end of it.

Does that mean I have a Schizotypal personality? Or does that mean that I HAD AN ELF LIVING IN MY HOUSE!!!

Anyway... Even though I've heard before about creativity being linked to eccentricity, it's nice knowing that those sudden urges I get now and then are linked to something more that crazyness!

(see, I'm saying that I'm crazy, because I don't actually think that I am.)

Jun 9, 2011

MOM - baby forever?

I was talking yesterday with my mom and a few friends, and my mom was saying how sad it is that babies grow so fast. Another friend agreed on this statement and said how you miss when they were huggable and kissable and couldn't do anything to stop you from doing it.

I've never felt this way, and I had to say it.

I love watching my son grow. I love each milestone that he reaches, and I truly enjoy being a part of this amazing process.

I can't believe that a year ago, he couldn't even walk, and now he's running all over the place yelling MOM!! LOOK!! at every little thing that he finds interesting (which is... um... everything!!)

My favorite milestone so far, is him saying I LOVE YOU. I find that priceless. And it's not like it makes me feel ultra special because he only says it to me. It's quite the opposite actually!!

He says I love you to every doll in his room, the dogs, me and my husband, his cousins, grandparents... But it's so delicious to watch him hug the dog, smooch him and say I LOVE YOU LOLA. He believes it when he says it. Or in the morning when he comes into my room, says hello, like a grown up would say hello, and then fall into my arms and looks me in the eye very seriuosly and say I LOVE YOU MOMMY.

Aaahh... The pleasure of knowing that you've raised a loving human being. Someone that appreciates everything that makes him feel loved, and knowing that he CAN demonstrate that love back.
That's what I like about that milestone. A 20 month old hugging his favorite bear when no one is watching and telling him that he loves him. There's nothing like it. Not even running!!

I have a son that enjoys everything to their very core.
Each bite of anything that he eats makes him smile and say mmmm sooo good!!
Every fruit or vegetable in the supermarket makes him bend and smell it and say mmmm sooo good!!
He even smells the dogs in the morning and says mmmm sooo good!!

I love him! And I love that he knows how to love. I believe that if you are capable of truly loving at least one living thing, you are blessed for the rest of your life!

Jun 2, 2011

goop my blog up

I've come to realize that maybe being good at many things is not so good after all. I now know that my business doesn't do better. Instead of focusing on one main product, I keep developing new stuff every week. That might sound great, but truth be told, it's not so great for making money with a small business.

When I started my blog, I had exactly the same problem. At first I wanted a cooking blog, then I wanted
a fashion blog, I also thought about a mommy blog, and finally I colapsed and did absolutely nothing for months.
I eventually did a little mix of all of them, but I must confess that I'm still not completely full-filled with the result.

Then, two weeks ago, I found GOOP.

And I raged with envy. Goop is Gwyneth Paltrow's website/blog/whatever. And I love it. Not so much the content (I'm not a big fan, nor do I hate her like some people seem to do, but I couldn't care less really. Some stuff is good, some stuff is boring, like any other website), but the concept!
The concept is exactly what I wanted. You must visit it and see what I'm talking about! She writes about fashion, food, motherhood, travel and some other stuff.

I don't like copying anything, but when I grab an idea, I have to say it. So yes, I will try to make my blog like goop. I loved it. I'll try to make it a little cuter and have the categories and all.

You know when you make something but you don't feel like it's done DONE? Well, that's me right here right now... And it's gonna change in a few days :)